Winter – regardless of whether you love it or hate it, you need to be prepared for it. When it comes to winter snow removal in New Hampshire, we are always prepared at Trimmers Landscaping. Our commercial snow removal clients in southern New Hampshire have come to rely on our snow and ice management services, year in and year out. Although we do not provide residential snowplowing services, we do want you to arrive safely at work – so here are a few tips that will help you to be a little more prepared for what winter can dish out in New Hampshire.
Leave early. Allow a little extra time to get where you’re going. Eliminating the stress of being late will help you leave a little extra room between you and the car in front of you.
Look twice. It only takes a couple of good storms to pile up and block visibility. Remember, if you can’t see them, they can’t see you either. At intersections, look both ways twice. Don’t pull out until you are sure there are no oncoming cars.
Load up. On winter emergency supplies, that is. In your car, you should be sure to have:
- a snow shovel
- a small bucket of traction sand
- a gallon of de-icing wiper fluid
- a snow brush
- a spare blanket or two
Having at least two emergency signal flares is always a good idea – but especially in winter when visibility in a storm can be a problem.
It’s always better to stay off the roads during a winter snowstorm in New England. If that’s not an option for you, please be safe. And – if Trimmers Landscaping is plowing your parking lot – you can be assured that when you get there it will be safe and clean!