We have a unique recipe for building perfect lawns.
Some lawns simply cannot be saved. A lawn that was installed without sufficient topsoil will require more resources in fertilizer and water to maintain. If you are struggling to keep your grass looking good through the summer – or you just want a nice, thick, “golf-course” quality lawn – it’s time to call Trimmers Landscaping for a new lawn installation! We have a unique recipe for building perfect lawns.
A solid foundation. After taking a core sample of your lawn soil, we can determine what materials are best to build your lawn. Occasionally, very sandy lots may require a layer of clay to retain the moisture before adding topsoil. At Trimmers, we use a full 4 inches of our own nutrient-rich compost topsoil to build up a vigorous root zone before seeding.
Seed or sod? If you have a small lawn area, must have grass in two weeks, or need it done in the heat of summer, then sod is a good option for you. A more cost-effective solution than sod is hydroseeding. Although not an “instant lawn” like sod, you can expect a hydroseeding lawn to begin filling in within 3 to 4 weeks; however, it takes a full season of growth for thick, healthy turf.
This is the perfect time to install or upgrade your lawn irrigation system. At Trimmers, we are up on the latest irrigation technology which can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of watering your new lawn.
Protect your investment. We believe in a holistic approach to landscape management. In every installation division, we have a maintenance service to complement it. This is especially true with lawns! We hope that you’ll trust us with the fertilization and maintenance of your new lawn for years to come.